Having all their time and energy suffocated by the demands of teaching too many classes. 
Peeling themselves out of bed every morning and dreading the marathon of yoga classes who only pay $20-$45 per class.

Yoga teachers feel exhausted by teaching too many classes per week. 

We've heard it over a thousand times...

Join a Tribe of yoga teachers Redefining What it Means to be "Just a yoga instructor!"

Does teaching yoga fill your heart AND your bank account?

It's Time To Create The Life You've Always Wanted & The Life You Deserve.

You got certified to teach yoga with hopes and dreams.
You would spend the entire day holding space for others, and setting your soul ablaze.
In time you knew, YOU WOULD BE FULL-TIME!
You'd make your own hours and only work when YOU want to!
No one telling you what to do; you'd make a life by design around your calling!
And all of that joy, love, and passion you had would translate into packed yoga classes and a full-time income. 
Yet here you are.
You spend all day teaching, but it isn't fulfilling. It's no longer feeding your soul!

We've been there.

Maybe you can relate?

We see you | we hear you | we feel you

The good news is it doesn't have to be like that.

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There's a new and better way to escape the overwhelm and
have the career of your dreams and the life you deserve

But first, let us introduce ourselves...

After all, when it comes to a career in yoga, you don’t have many options to choose from, and with so many routes to take in building your yoga career, how do you know which one is for you?

Julianne founded 11Exhale in 2014, she's spent years meticulously testing every yoga career method herself. Starting from scratch as a single mom on a tight budget, she taught more than five yoga classes daily. This intense schedule allowed her to cover her bills and still send her daughters to gymnastics classes.

However, this relentless pace was unsustainable and began to sap her spirit. Julianne hadn’t embarked on this path to end each day exhausted; she aimed to approach every class feeling empowered and vibrant.

Despite her growing expertise, which enhanced her classes daily, Julianne’s life outside the studio was becoming increasingly unbalanced.

Recognizing the toll this lifestyle was taking, Julianne knew she needed a change—not just for herself but for others in her profession. She saw that she wasn’t alone in this struggle between personal well-being and professional calling. This realization ignited her mission to transform the yoga teaching industry, empowering yoga instructors worldwide to reclaim their passions without sacrifice.

Julianne expanded her influence, teaching other yoga teachers and studio owners the nuanced art of full-time teaching. However, she quickly discovered that mastering yoga techniques wasn’t enough for lasting success.

Yoga instructors often excelled at delivering transformative classes but lacked essential business skills—those critical aspects of running a successful studio that are seldom addressed in traditional yoga training.

That’s where THE ACADEMY steps in. It’s not just a training center for yoga teachers; it’s a comprehensive resource that provides detailed business strategies, mindset adjustments, marketing insights, and sales techniques. These tools are vital for building a thriving yoga business that not only grows but also enriches your life and the lives of your students.

The Academy

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As Julianne began teaching other yoga teachers and studio owners the art of teaching full-time, she quickly realized that mastery of the method alone was insufficient. Her students were delivering soul-stirring, transformative classes, yet they struggled with aspects vital to the longevity and success of their ventures—elements not covered in conventional yoga instruction.

Julianne saw a clear gap in the market. Yoga teachers were often left to navigate the complex business landscape with little to no guidance. This insight led to the creation of THE ACADEMY, a unique institution dedicated not only to teaching yoga but also to imparting the essential business knowledge that forms the backbone of a successful studio.

THE ACADEMY offers specialized training that goes beyond asanas and meditation. It equips yoga teachers with the necessary tools for effective business management, including strategic planning, marketing, and sales techniques. These skills are crucial for anyone looking to expand their influence and ensure their yoga practice isn’t just a passion but a viable, flourishing enterprise.

Realistically you can go from working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week...

To Working Passionately Just a Few Hours A Day, 3 or 4 Days a Week, WITHOUT Ever Having to Work Another Weekend!
While having a stable and predictable calendar and cash flow, leaving you with only one question: How will you enjoy all that free time?!

Because we KNOW our targeting training will change your life, we stand behind that with a tuition-back guarantee.
Are you ready to take your life and career to the next level?

We know the Academy will work for you because we've seen it happen time and time again with yoga teachers who started exactly where you currently are.

What else do we know to be true for most yoga teachers?

Well, for starters, not only can you love your job and your clients (or at least most of them), but you can also want more, and you probably relate to one or more of these issues below regularly.

Which begs the question,


Your students are inconsistent, and not engaged.
You don't even really WANT to say something, but you're too scared to let them go.

"Days off" are a joke.
You don't get days off because being "on-call" is what this industry has taught you.

Not only do you teach 15+ classes per week, you feel undervalued.
As your students demand more and more from you, they become the many bosses of your life.

Your family is suffering.
They never see you. You're always working or on your phone posting on social media trying to fill your classes. 

You are suffering.
Your anxiety and depression are becoming stronger and stronger every day.

You aren't making good money.
Not enough to justify the time you put in or even a fraction of your stress.

Additionally, maybe you are one of the many yoga teachers that didn't get ANY business education in yoga school, leaving you rating your business success based on how you feel that day instead of actual numbers.

The good news is,
the road has already been paved for you.

Too many yoga courses neglect to talk about modern business and how to make money doing your art.

Leverage The Systems, Strategies, Tools, And Techniques Proven To Work By Hundreds Of Successful yoga teachers.

Once you begin the training inside the Academy,
how you do business will completely change; in less than 12 months, your life could be completely different.

When you join THE Academy, you'll be guided step-by-step to work smarter (not harder) and less while making more money!

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$10,000 or 12 payments of $1,000

Having trained hundreds of yoga teachers, we know exactly what things you will mess up (yes, we can explain why your students are suddenly "are not showing up"), and with personalized feedback you receive on each practical assignment you turn in, you know you are making the proper adjustments to continue to practice the Academy method correctly

If there was a "secret sauce" to why the Academy works, It would be the personalized feedback from an Academy coach.




Your Tuition Includes

On-Demand Training,  Personalized feedback based assignments broken down into 4 Phases.

Personalized feedback on your work inside each online phase.

TWO In-Person 2-Day "Academy Intensives" 

1:1 coaching calls with a Academy coach.

  Biweekly calls with your lead trainer 

Our results speak for themselves, and we stand behind our Academy with a tuition-back guarantee. This means if you complete the Academy in 12 months or less, and you’re not on track to make a full-time income, we’ll give you your full tuition back. Plus, you’ll keep your access to the program, so you can continue to learn and grow as a full-time yoga teacher.

Hundreds of yoga teachers trained from over 15+ countries, we know our program works.

With over...

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Whether you are new to yoga or looking to transition into teaching, Julianne’s expertise and compassionate guidance will light the way.

Julianne has successfully fused her business acumen with her love for yoga, establishing 11Exhale as a beacon for those seeking transformation, wellness, and a deeper connection to their practice. Her comprehensive approach goes beyond physical asanas, delving into the philosophical and spiritual aspects of yoga, making her teachings rich, accessible, and deeply impactful.

With an MBA and a heart dedicated to service!

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Discover Your Path: Yoga, Teacher Training, and More

Where Body Meets Soul